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YBUY: A Company That Lets You Test the Waters of New Technology

Posted by Phuong Diep on Thu, Aug 16, 2012

YBUYDo you like to play it safe or are you a risk taker? How many times have you been hesitant to purchase a product because it was too expensive and you weren’t sure that you were going to like it? Many people wish that there were more trial services for products so that they wouldn’t have to waste money on products that didn’t work or that they didn’t like after using. Well the wishing can stop because there is now a company that allows you to do exactly that! YBUY, a southern California company that offers an extended lease service to online buyers to test and see the products before they make the full commitment of buying them. Users have a 30-day trial period to test products before actually agreeing to buy them for a flat rate of $24.95 a month. The company provides a wide selection of consumer electronics and kitchen products that are both new and refurbished. The technology ranges from iPads, the Jawbone Jambox, Breville kitchen products and more.

Stephen Svajian, founder & CEO states “we only represent what we think is the best product in a particular category. We do a lot of work on what online shoppers would typically do.”

YBUY started at the end of 2011 and has been going strong ever since. The company continues to grow 25% monthly and receive up to 2,000 new sign ups every day. They currently have a waiting list of over 50,000 people who want to use their service.

YBUY also picked up $1 million in Series A Funding provided from Google Chairman Eric Schmidts investment firm, Tomorrow Ventures. YBUY plans on using the money to continue growing the business. YBUY is continually looking for different ways to enhance the service and gear it more towards the customers’ liking. For example, the company conducts customer interviews to see what users like or dislike about the service, why they prefer this service over other services such as Amazon or Ebay, and which payment options users would rather have. Based on customer interviews, YBUY will soon have an option of either getting billed monthly or getting billed when the product arrives.

Based on the customer interviews, users prefer this type of service over companies like Amazon or Ebay for several reasons. The main reason is because of the financial commitment. Many people become hesitant when it comes to an expensive product that they want and if they purchase it and things go wrong, returning it may not always be easy. With YBUY, there isn’t a commitment to the product because of the trial. Returns are easier since the company pays for shipping both ways.

The customers can also trust the quality of the product. If it’s not new, then it is stated that it’s been refurbished. People are sometimes never sure of the quality and condition of a product when it comes from Amazon or Ebay.

Lastly, customers don’t need to feel bad with YBUY. A lot of customers hate having to return or exchange a product because they feel bad. With YBUY however, returning the product is encouraged, so the user feels more comfortable and less stressed returning a product they are not satisfied with.

If you think this service is convenient and right for you, then check it out and sign up for the wait list!  Try it before YBUY it!

Tags: New Technology

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