Punxsutawney Phil’s shadow was MIA, which points to an early spring in our future. But we’re a little skeptical of wagering our bets on the absent shadow of a groundhog, in spite of his good track record (and what was up with last weekend’s blizzard? Oh, Phil!). Weather, life in general, it’s all unpredictable, and your data can be caught in that unforeseeable cyclone and annihilated before you can say, “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.”
But don’t go all Chicken Little just yet; you can protect and recover your data by taking the proper steps should the need arise. It’s like the scout’s motto:
Always be prepared

First, survey the scene; take a moment for data assessment. What is most important to you? What data should you prioritize to keep safe should disaster strike? It’s sort of like the “if I had to evacuate, what three things would I take with me” scenario. From business reports and tax returns to family photos and music downloads, take stock of the files you would regret losing.
But where to begin? Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, Email, Downloads, anything with “My” is a best bet for data you’d want to protect.
Up in the Cloud
You can store your data in the cloud. Special programs can store and protect data, including emails. During Nemo, for example, NSK was able to reach contacts through an email continuity service set up with AppRiver, a company that develops and deploys a steady flow of email and Web security solutions. The setup enables us to continue communicating with co-workers and access our messages on Outlook through the usage of a webhost portal, where you can login with a username and password.
For businesses looking to back up all or some of their information there is Axcient. Physical and virtual disasters have met their match with Axcient, which protects business data, applications and systems. Axcient utilizes SSAE 16 compliance and maximum-security biometric technology among other safeguards to prepare businesses for the worse that could happen. All matter of data can be virtualized and restored from the cloud through NSK Inc using Axcient.
If your data contains personal information, such as documents with social security numbers, you will want to encrypt these files as a safety precaution. Encryption is used for all of our clients’ files when we save them in the cloud.
PAVIS: NSK’s Solution
NSK provides Pavis Solutions, a Hybrid Cloud model (public and private cloud security rolled into one package), for complete system protection.
Pavis, which appropriately means full body shield, is integrated into your network and archives your data 24/7. No backup software is needed and data can be restored quickly after a disaster. It’s as trusty as a golden retriever…that doesn’t have to be housebroken.
Check out NSK’s website for more info on data protection, backup, and recovery.
Cloud Computing: nskinc.com/it-services/cloud/
Pavis Solutions: nskinc.com/it-services/pavis-solutions/
Resources: howtogeek.com, axcient.com, appriver.com
Images: siliconangle.com, NASA via news.discovery.com, experian.com, NSK Inc.