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Top 6 Tricks to Secure Your IoT devices

Posted by Molly Abrahamson on Fri, Oct 14, 2016

Our last blog discussed the security threats facing your smart home and IoT devices. Here are six ways to protect your home and business from those threats, while still enjoying the convenience of your IoT devices.


1.Do your research

Before you buy, research the product. What security vulnerabilities does the device contain? How often is the manufacturer issuing security updates, if at all? Weigh your devices' capabilities against the different threats to privacy that you could be facing.

2.Passwords, passwords, passwords

Make sure your devices are protected by passwords. They should be different for each device. Try to use a secure password that doesn’t include any personal information. Tools like Dashlane and Lastpass can help you to organize and remember these random passwords. If you suspect a breach in security, change your password right away.

3.Guest Networks

If possible, create a secure guest network for your IoT devices, separate from the regular network that you use for your cellphone and computers, and connect your IoT devices there. Quarantining your IoT devices restricts how they communicate with your other, more secure devices.

4.Make sure your firmware is up-to-date

Patching your smart devices is just as important as updating your phone or computer. Set reminders to check for updates, or use the auto-update option, if available.

5.Be aware of who could be listening

Hopefully the previous security measures can protect you, but be aware of the possibility of a breach. Because many voice-command devices are “always listening,” conversations could be recorded or eavesdropped on by bad actors. Avoid using your IoT devices in confidential settings, such as in an important meeting, or when discussing private information.

6.Monitor your network

Pay attention to what is going on in your network. If you see usual spikes in network activity, it could mean your devices have been compromised.

"Look for strange spikes in network activity, requests to the internet, connections to known-malicious IP ranges, or malicious payloads in network traffic," said Daniel Miessler, Director of Advisory Services at IOActive.

(photo curtesy of Google Images)

Tags: cybersecurity

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