Error Code: The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.
Error Code: The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.
Topics: Managed Services, Help Desk, Tech Fixes
I know I’ve covered using passphrases in the past, but it warrants touching on again. The two most important aspects of a “password” are length and randomness. The amount of entropy (basically, uncertainty) is a function of length and randomness. For a brief discussion on entropy in cryptanalysis, click on entropy and scroll down about half way.
Topics: Data Security, Tech Fixes
by: Ben Howard - IT Services Manager, CISSP
Google has recently released SSL for searches. It is on by default with Chrome, and you can access it at While this is not monumental security, earth shattering news, given the option for web traffic to use SSL, you should always, always use SSL. SSL encrypts the communication between your PC and the server to which you send a request adding another layer of data security. In this case, it means that your searches and search results will be encrypted. No one will be able to see what you searched for or what results you received without direct access to your PC. Sounds good, but this doesn’t mean no one can have any clue about your searches. While your searches and results are encrypted, if you click on a link, you will be redirected to another website. That website may or may not support SSL. So, while your ISP may not know that you searched for “free music download”, they will see that you accessed websites that allow you to illegally download music.
Topics: Data Security, Tech Fixes