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Cathie Briggette

Recent Posts

The Distinction Between Data Backup and Business Continuity

Posted by Cathie Briggette on Mon, Feb 29, 2016

Written by Brandon Garcin on Feb 29, 2016 6:00:00 AM on Continuum MSP Blog

Believe it or not, the first data backups were made on paper. Dating back as early as the 18th century, the “technology” was used in the form of paper tapes constructed from punch cards to control the functions of automated machinery such as textile looms. The concept of these cards was then further developed by IBM in the early days of data processing, where data input, storage and commands were captured using a series of hole punches.

IBM_350_Disk_Storage.jpgIBM Archives:   https://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/storage/storage_350.html

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Topics: Cloud Computing, Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity

Social Engineering and Hacker Attacks

Posted by Cathie Briggette on Wed, Jan 27, 2016


Last week we received 2 phone calls from consumers in Missouri and Tennessee asking about our Techs calling them on the phone and trying to charge them from $250 to $350 to reset their passwords and fix their IP addresses, because they were unable to connect to Netflix.  Our receptionist, talked to the first person, who thank goodness hadn’t given the scammers her credit card, and explained that we did not work in Missouri, nor did our techs call consumers about broken computers.  The woman was relieved that she did not share her credit card information.  The receptionist shared this information with me and I asked her if anyone else called, please route the call to me.

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Topics: Data Security

Microsoft Surface Pro Safety Recall Notice

Posted by Cathie Briggette on Fri, Jan 22, 2016


Surface Pro AC power cords: Safety Recall Notice


AC Power Cords for the Microsoft Surface Pro, Microsoft Surface Pro 2, and certain Microsoft Surface Pro 3’s

Pwercord_recall.pngEffective January 21, 2016, at 7:00am Pacific Standard Time (US West Coast time), in cooperation with various government regulatory agencies, Microsoft has initiated a voluntary recall for AC power cords (the cord that plugs into an electrical outlet) supplied with the Microsoft Surface Pro and Microsoft Surface Pro 2, and with any Microsoft Surface Pro 3 purchased prior to March 15, 2015 (“pre-March 15, 2015 Surface Pro 3’s”).

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Topics: Microsoft, Microsoft Surface Pro

2015 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Your Boston IT Experts

Posted by Cathie Briggette on Tue, Dec 22, 2015

The NSK Inc Team would like to wish you warm thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very Happy New Year.

As the holiday season approaches, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued partnership.  It is business associates like you who make our jobs a pleasure and keep our company successful.

May your holiday season and the new year be filled with much Peace, Hope and Joy.  

We look forward to working with you in the coming year and hope our business relationship continues for many years to come.

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Topics: Managed Services, Announcements

IT Integration - What are the ingredients

Posted by Cathie Briggette on Thu, Nov 19, 2015

When we think about integration we think about the act of bringing together components into a single system that functions as one.  In the description of IT integration we believe it refers to the result of all the hardware (servers, mobile devices, computers, laptops), software and services (disaster recovery, IT managing and monitoring, backup, help desk), brought together in an organization.

ingredients to a perfect IT managed services provider

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Topics: Mobile Device Management, Managed Services, Help Desk