There is no better asset to an individual trying to reach a conclusion than a fact. The same is true for a decision maker within a business. Management, finances, marketing, sales, development, and other operational details require vital decisions to be made that will play a direct role in future success. Historically, facts have not always been fully available to business decision makers. As a result, they have had to reach conclusions founded on intuition. They have had to ask themselves what results they expect to see when influencing a business variable using solely their own previous knowledge and experiences. While this is a skill that can be developed, it forces assumptions to be made on the part of the decision maker. Fewer facts are utilized, and the context of a particular situation is never fully recognized. The results of an action taken become far less predictable. Consequently, as information supplies both fact and context, it is important for a business to develop a means of acquiring and distributing relevant information to all decision makers. Using facts, these individuals are able to make a stronger argument to themselves and their coworkers as to why a particular conclusion reached is also the most valuable. It is this acknowledgement that highlights the importance of a versatile information system and demonstrates the potential business value of actionable data.