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Understanding the Cyber Security Wizardry

Posted by Alyssa Steen on Tue, Apr 12, 2016

The world of cyber security is constantly changing. New viruses, malware, bots, and phishing scams are being developed every day to steal both business and individual user information. To counter this online battle, new security products are also being developed, all promising to be the best on the market and the best for you and your business. With all these options to sift through, the seemingly endless streams of data supporting this device and that supporting system, how do you choose this right one? Who has the time to sort through the products and companies while also having their own lives and business to deal with? Thankfully, there is a source available to everyone that’s entirely free to use that does that leg work for you.

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Topics: cybersecurity

Badlock the Crucial Security Vulnerability Bug

Posted by Cathie Briggette on Wed, Apr 06, 2016

Badlock is the new security vulnerability bug of 2016.  Badlock was discovered by Stefan Metzmacher, who is a renowned member of the international Samba Core Developer Team and works at SerNet on Samba. He reported the bug to Microsoft and has been working closely with them (Microsoft) to fix the problem.  

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Topics: Microsoft, Disaster Recovery, anti virus, cybersecurity

Cyber Security Buzz Words

Posted by Alyssa Steen on Tue, Mar 01, 2016
A few weeks ago, I published a post on here describing the top 4 tips to stay safe on your computer based on the advice from the IT professionals here at NSK Inc. However, knowing the basic tips doesn’t necessarily mean you are able to grasp all the concepts, and the jargon, involved with the IT world. When it comes to cyber security, there is an almost endless list of terms for things to look out for. At NSK, we know that it is our job to help make that endless list seem less daunting, while also ensuring that you feel well informed. Cyber security is one of the top priorities at NSK and with cyber crime becoming more mainstream as time goes on, it is incredibly important for both us as your IT professionals, and you as our customers, to understand the threats at hand. So without further ado, here are the terms you need to know in order to “speak cyber.”

Cyber Security Infographpic - Being safe online

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Topics: Cloud Computing, Managed Services, cybersecurity, data storage

Top 4 Advice Tips from the IT Experts on Computer Safety

Posted by Alyssa Steen on Mon, Feb 01, 2016


“Cybercrimes are becoming mainstream,” NSK Inc. IT Consultant Philip Abraham said, “the internet is full of predators.”

With cybercrime becoming more prevalent in our society, computer safety is something that must become an unfortunate priority. Thankfully, the experts here at NSK Inc. are more than prepared when it comes to this stressful aspect of the IT world. So instead of searching the internet for common sense fixes and confusing techniques, the NSK team has gotten together to create a list of precautions and steps to ensure your devices stay safe.

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Topics: Disaster Recovery, Data Security, cybersecurity

October: National Cyber Security Month and What You Should Remember

Posted by Chelsea Foster on Tue, Nov 03, 2015


October has been named National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) since 2004 making this year's proclamation, by President Barack Obama, it's 12th consecutive year. As our technology is advancing and our access to the internet is becoming infinite it is important that people at all levels understand the threats that are out there. Since its inception NCSAM has grown and reached consumers, small and medium-sized businesses, corporations, educational institutions and young people to better educate them on threats that are potentially out there. NCSAM focuses on a different cyber security issue each month: 

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Topics: cybersecurity